“笔墨歌盛世 丹青绘华章”访华人艺术领袖——刘世全

发布时间:2020-12-09   来源:环球新闻网    


Liu Shiquan, born in Wanzhou, Chongqing in 1964, now lives in Shenzhen. Self-named sunshine, young children are influenced by their fathers, and they love painting, calligraphy and carving deeply. In the middle school teaching process, I deeply studied the theory of painting and calligraphy and insisted on copying famous masterpieces for a long time, especially in the glass carving process, with the guidance of famous teachers, the carving and painting skills became more and more skilled. Later, due to the long-term persistence of diligent copying and painstaking research, I inherited and innovated in the art of painting and calligraphy.


现为国家高级美术师,中国楹联学会会员,中国硬笔书法家协会会员,中国书法家协会书法考级注册教师,中国书画家联谊会新文艺群体书画家工作委员会副秘书长,中国楹联学会书法艺术研究会副主席, 副秘书长、理事及书画专家,中国民族建筑研究会书画艺术专业委员会副秘书长及客座教授,中国文化信息协会常务理事及客座研究员,中国管理科学研究院教育创新研究所评定为高级美术指导师,中国世纪大采风书画院副院长,中国王羲之书画研究院曲阜分院院长,中国互联网联盟理事,徐悲鸿艺术委员会签约画家,<<联墨艺术报>>理事会副理事长,《科教兴国》,《民族艺术》,<<中华国粹>>及<<新文艺>>编委副主编及副主任, 中央电视台综艺频道星光大道栏目组艺术顾问. 中华卫视艺术风采栏目组艺术总监. 中.韩艺术创作基地会员,名人辞典特邀艺术顾问,牛津艺术学院客座教授,亚洲文化艺术家联合会理事会中方代表会员,中国国宾礼艺术家,世界杰出华人艺术家.刘世全在他的艺术创作道路上,荣获“盛世中华全国新时期文化先锋人物”,“最具影响力艺术家”“中国新长城杰出艺术家”“世界杰出华人艺术家”“共和国人民艺术家”,封面.中国一一时代风云人物,庆祝中华人民共和国成立七十周年国礼艺术家特殊贡献奖,2020年度全球各界顶级人物等荣誉。

Now he is a national senior artist, a member of China Couplet Association, a member of China Hard Pen Calligraphers Association, a registered teacher of Chinese Calligraphers Association for calligraphy examination, deputy secretary-general of the working committee of painters and painters of new literary groups of China Calligraphers Association, vice chairman, deputy secretary-general, director, painting and calligraphy expert of China Couplet Association, and deputy secretary-general and visiting professor of national architecture institute of china Painting and Calligraphy Professional Committee. Executive director and visiting researcher of China Cultural Information Association, appraised as a senior production designer teacher by Institute of Educational Innovation of China Academy of Management Sciences, vice president of China Century Collection Painting and Calligraphy Institute, president of Qufu Branch of China Wangxizhi Painting and Calligraphy Research Institute, director of China Internet Alliance, signed painter of Xu Beihong Art Committee, vice chairman of the Board of Directors of Lianmo Art Newspaper, Rejuvenating the Country through Science and Education and National Art, Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Deputy Director of Editorial Board of < < Chinese quintessence > > and < < New Literature and Art > >, Art Consultant of cctv-3 Avenue of Stars, Art Director of China Satellite TV Art Style Group, Member of Chinese and Korean Art Creation Base, Invited Art Consultant of Celebrity Dictionary, Visiting Professor of Oxford Art College, Chinese Representative Member of the Council of Asian Cultural Artists Federation, Chinese National Guest Artist, Liu Shiquan, an outstanding Chinese artist in the world, won the honors of "Pioneer of Chinese Culture in the New Period in the Prosperous Age", "Most Influential Artist", "Outstanding Artist of China's New Great Wall", "Outstanding Chinese Artist in the World", "People's Artist of the Republic", cover, man of the times in China, special contribution award for national ceremony artists celebrating the seventieth anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and top figures from all walks of life in the world in 2020.


作品多次在国内外大型赛事中获奖:庆祝中华人民共和国成立六十六周年全国书画大赛银奖;第十一届全国书画大赛“金鼎奖”;中国长城文化金奖;第十八届和第十九届中国世纪大采风表彰中分别获中国当代最具特色书画家和中国书画传承名家奖;第六届“炎黄杯”国际书画大赛金奖;第十九届世界华人国际书画大赛金奖 ;中澳双城书画展国际金奖,国际名人百科文艺组委会授予巜大国建交 中法首席外交官>>和<<2020中国当代优秀人民艺术家>>荣誉称号,CETV水墨丹青书画院授予巜中国书画艺术发展引领者》, 入驻中华联墨艺术名优人才库并获联墨双优杯荣誉, 书法报 书法天地授予<<人民心中的大师>>。作品入编:《苏富比》画报、《中国当代书画家辞典》《世界美术家大辞典》《艺术为人民》《新中国美术图鉴1949—2018》《南粤楷模》《美中时报》《中国书画家报》《企业家日报》,<< 经济视野>>,<<中国建筑报>>,<<书法报>>,<<联墨名家代表作大观>>,2020年两会 法国世界报道---中国崛起国礼艺术家>>,<<弟子规>>,<<中华国粹>>,等报刊典籍。作品由景德镇烧制的中国白高端国礼茶具;作品入选印制为邮册、邮票发行;中央电视台出版《中国艺坛先锋人物》台历和由世界知识画报社出版《人民艺术家》中国梦台历;作品《中华雄风》被镌刻于新长城上永久展示并被央视国宝档案书画栏目组作为国宝典范进行记录归档;作品《红梅报喜》被国家有关部门永久收藏.

His works have won many awards in large-scale competitions at home and abroad: silver prize in the national painting and calligraphy competition to celebrate the 66 th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China; The Eleventh National Painting and Calligraphy Competition "Jinding Award"; China Great Wall Culture Gold Award; In the 18 th and 19 th China Century Collection Awards, they were awarded the most distinctive Chinese contemporary painters and famous Chinese painting and calligraphy inheritors awards respectively; Gold medal of the sixth "Yanhuang Cup" International Painting and Calligraphy Competition; Gold medal of the 19 th World Chinese International Painting and Calligraphy Competition; China-Australia Shuangcheng Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition won the International Gold Award, the International Celebrity Encyclopedia Literature and Art Organizing Committee awarded the honorary titles of > > and < < 2020 Chinese Contemporary Excellent People's Artist > >, CETV Ink Painting and Painting Institute awarded "Leader of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Art Development", settled in the famous talent pool of Chinese ink art and won the honor of Lianmo Double Excellent Cup, and the calligraphy world of the calligraphy newspaper awarded < < Master in the hearts of the people > >. Works included: Sotheby's Pictorial, Dictionary of Chinese Contemporary Painters and Painters, Dictionary of World Artists, Art for the People, New China Art Picture Book 1949-2018, South Guangdong Model, US-China Times, Chinese Painters and Painters Daily, Entrepreneur Daily, Economic Vision, China Architecture News Chinese white high-end national gift tea set fired by Jingdezhen; The works were selected and printed as postal books and stamps for distribution; CCTV publishes the "Pioneer of Chinese Art Circles" desk calendar and the "People's Artists" Chinese Dream desk calendar published by the World Knowledge Painting Newspaper; The work "Chinese Heroes" was engraved on the New Great Wall for permanent display and recorded and archived by CCTV National Treasure Archives Painting and Calligraphy Group as a national treasure model; The work "Red Plum Announces Good News" has been permanently collected by relevant state departments.


由中国文联美术艺术中心、中国文联书法艺术中心、中国书画家联谊会、中国楹联学会、中国工笔画学会联合举办“庆祝改革开放40周年新文艺群体书画家作品展” 在中国文联文艺家之家胜利举行,作品《欲穷千里目》成功入展,受到极高的赞美和关注!近年两会期间,参加新文艺书画先锋人物报道工作,60家媒体进行报道,并印刷个人画册。2019年度央视国学频道巜精彩中华》年度电视人物颁奖盛典上获《德艺双馨艺术家》等荣誉。2020世界联手 共抗疫情百位艺术家寄语祝福名信片受到各国驻华大使和国际友人收藏,由中华国礼发展出版社出版发行的巜2020两会 文艺抗疫情系武汉>>专刋以及在抗疫期间为中国感谢国际捐赠报道内容题词和作品<<脊梁>>受到国内外一致高度赞誉, 国际新闻办公室颁发荣誉证书, 巜刘世全谈中国山水画的魂与创新>>在2020年被中国管理科学研究院教育科学研究所纳入;教育发展研究十三五规划课题. 该课题获其一等奖。

The exhibition "Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Reform and Opening-up by New Literary Group Painters and Calligraphers", jointly organized by China Federation of Literary and Art Center, China Federation of Literary and Art Calligraphy Center, China Association of Painters and Painters, China Federation of Couplets Society and China Fine Painting Society, was successfully held in the home of writers and artists of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and the work "but you widen your view three hundred miles" successfully entered the exhibition and received high praise and attention. In recent years, during the two sessions, he participated in the work of reporting pioneer figures in new literature, art and painting, and 60 media reported and printed personal albums. In 2019, CCTV's National Studies Channel "Wonderful China" was awarded the honor of "Artist of Virtue and Art". In 2020, the world joined hands to fight against the epidemic. A hundred artists sent a message to bless the famous letter film, which was collected by ambassadors of various countries in China and international friends. The literature and art of the 2020 two sessions, published and distributed by China National Gifts Development Publishing House, was dedicated to Wuhan > > and thanked China for international donations during the anti-epidemic period. The inscription and works < < Backbone > > were highly praised at home and abroad, and the International Press Office issued honorary certificates to discuss Chinese landscape painting Research on the 13 th Five-Year Plan of Educational Development, which won the first prize.













