传承国医勇于创新发展耕耘杏林济世天下苍生 ---记当代中医事业创新与发展奠基人李乘伊教授

发布时间:2022-10-21   来源:互联网    

Inheriting traditional Chinese medicine and being brave in innovation and development Cultivate the apricot forest to help the world -On Professor L Chengyi, the founder of the innovation and development of contemporary traditional Chinese M ed dne



李乘伊教授系国家机关老干部健康顾问 团首席专家,现任世界传统文化研究院执行院 长、中华临床医学会副会长、北京乘伊医学研 究院院长、世界中医药研究学会主席等职。


李乘伊教授是位传奇人物,1973年出生于 四川米易玄帝颛顼故里。因祖辈是彝族,世代 行医练武,所以他出生后,还在襁褓中时,爷 爷就背着他上山采药,这使得他小小年纪便认 识了很多不同种类的草药,被称之为小神童。 稍大时,他便跟在爷爷身后,观察爷爷给人看 病、开方子、抓药的各个细节,让他对中医的认识更加系统化。可以说,他的童年是在实践和不断学习中医知识的时光中度过的。

中学时代的李乘伊便开始有意识地系统学习中医知识。偶尔的一次机会,有个患者来看病,恰逢爷爷不在家,他便顺手给人进行治疗,并敷上些草药,没想到还真治好了来者的病。从此之后,李乘伊便开始给人瞧病、开药方、抓药等,俨然一个医生的样子。在看到病人治愈后的轻松心情,在内心内心泛起阵阵欣慰的同时,也让他开始思考未来人生的发展方 向。经过几夜的深思熟虑,李乘伊依毅然决定从事中医事业,他希望通过自己的努力,让更多的人恢复健康,走出病痛的折磨,重拾欢乐时光。 医武世家,这个看似平常但却至关重要的生长环境,给了李乘伊教授生命的滋养,让他在青春少年时,便选择了自己的人生道路,并用全部的精力为之努力、为之奋斗!


treatment, prescription and prescription so as to make his understanding of traditional Chinese medicine more systematic.It can be said that his chidhood was spent practicing and constanth leaming traditional Chinese medicine knowledge

In middle school,Li Chengyi began to consciously and systematically leam traditional Chinese medicine knowledge.Once in a while, a patient came to see a doctorIt happened that grandpa was not at home. He treated people and applied some herbs. Unexpectedly. he really cured the patient.Since thenLiChengyi began to treat people.prescribe prescriptionsfillmedicine.etc.ust like a doctor. Seeing the patient's relaxed mood after being cured. he felt gratified. At the same time. he also began to think about the development direction of his futurelife.After severalnights of careful considerationLi Chengyi resolutely decided to engage in the cause of traditional Chinese medicine. He hoped that through his own efforts, more people would recover from the suffering of illness and regain a happy time.

Yiwu aristocratic family. this seemingly ordinary but vital growth environment. has given ProfessorLi Chenay the nourishment of life, so that when he was young,he chose his own life

path andworked hard for it with all his energy!











传统中医博大精深;中华武术源远流长, 二者融会贯通,可收到相得益彰之奇效。中国的大医学家往往也是大武术家。医武兼修可上溯到东汉名医华佗,众所周知,华佗发明了“五禽戏”。2011年5月23日,经国务院批准,华佗“五禽戏”列入第三批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。由此可见,做为著名医学家的华佗也是中华武术的鼻祖;而药王孙思邈,民间亦盛传其精通武术,曾以一指点穴法治愈大将尉迟敬德的肩痹风;到了南宋末年,更有全真教全真七子,其中








在澳门隆重召开  特邀我作主旨演讲并与Newell Arnerich 美国Danville市市长从1995年起担任美国Danville市议员,曾六次当选为Danville市长在一起


2、Medical and martial arts, colorful life, diflerent

Traditional Chinese medicine is broad and profound:Chinese martial arts has a long history. If they are integrated, they can complement each other. China's great medical experis are ofien great martial artists. The combinaton of medidne and martal arts can be traced back to Hua Tuo, a famous doctor in the Eastern Han Dynasty As we all know, Hua Tuo invented the "live poulir opera". On May 23, 2011, wih the approval of the State Councl Hua tuo's "wuainx" was ncluded in the third batch of nationa intangible cultural hertage ist. it can be seen that Hua Tuo, a lamous medical scentist, is also the ancestor of chinese martal arts: Sun simgo. the king of medicne. is also widely rumored to be rofcent n martiel aris. He once cured general yuch jnade's shoulder arthralgla with the method of one finger acupoint; At the end of the Southen Song Dynasty, Quanzhen taught the seve n sons of Quanzhen, among which Ma Yu, the son of Danvang, and Oiu Chul, the son of Changchun were the most prominent. The famous "song of Ma Danvang Tlanxing twehe points for treatng miscell aneous diseases" in acupuncture and moxibustion was written by Ma Yu, the son of Danyang; Changchun ziqu Chul later served as a medical and health consullant for Genghis Khan U nexpectedly, Li chengy, who has made great achievements in the fleld of medicine, is also a Wulln expert.

Professor LiChenaw. who has been pracgno martel arts snce his childhood, also has a good understanding of the power of martal arts in the process of learning medicine. Profe ssor Li Chengy re ached the level of national first class athletes when he was i middle school. Later he praciced martal arts in Shaolin Temple in Songshan, Henan Prownce. He once umped an umbrella andbungee jumping, dimbed more than 7000 meters of Mount Everest alone, and on ware single clothes and trousers all vear round. on February 9,2003, Professor Li Chengyi stayed in the ice scupture museum at mnus 20 for4 hours and 7 minutes and won the second place in the men's group of the "First Snow World Cup exreme challenge in Beling". It was broadcast live by CCTV 5sets and many news papers. The newly established Professor Li Chengyi was tamous at home and abroadIn order to sustematicaly leam Chinese martial arts, he pald rbute to Mr zhang Shan execuive wce chairman of the crnese Martlal Arts Assodation, director of the technical committee of the Internatonal Martal Arts Federaton, honoray charman of the Hong Kong Chinese martial arts sports assocaton and tamous in the martial arts industry He gradualy made his martial arts medicine exquisite, and Profe ssor Li Chengyi gradually thought can he stuoy a method that patients can treat their pain without or with less drugs?

Through years of painstaking research, comtined with the ancestral recipe of tradiional Chinese medicine and the accumulated valuable clinical experience, Professor Li Chengvi explored a unique set of"Chengvi acupoint penetration therapy" on the basis of traditional acupuncture and massage. this technique uses the power of the ip of the hand to reter to the needle. complete the point bounce pul, press and press techniques in an nstant, and use the fingering to focus on the fulcrum, so as to achieve the effect of disease






























3、Mind the common people, a good doctor and a messenger of light

The paving and success of the road of lfe lles in lofty ideals. Ony with lofty ideals can we make the road ahead more smooth and wider. When Li Chengy dedded to study traditonal Chinese medidne, his goal in life became very clear. After graduating trom Chengdu University of tradifonal Chinese medicine, he went to colleae. After graduatng from Unmersity.Lchenay went to Bay orthopedic hospital of Chengdu Miltary Region, General Hospital of the Chinese people's Liberaton Army and other institutions for urther study and obtained a doctorate. in the process of further study, he had the chance to meet the founder of traditional Chinese medicne n New China. the frst drector of the Depariment of traditonal Chinese medicine of the Ministry of healh, the director of the admnistraton oftedton Chinese medicne and PolesserLy Bingkul, a leader of traditional Chinese medicine. He pald homage to his teachers and comprehensively studled the theory of tradtional Chinese medicine, which lald a solld foundation for his exquisite acupuncture and moxibusion therapy in the future

Under the guidance of his tutor, Professor Li Chengyi, who is hichly sawy, has traveled all over the famous mountains and rivers of the motherland. vis ted "amous doctors and extens vely read ancent and modern medical fiterature. He has careully studie d such tamous medical classics as the vellow Emperors Canon of inte rmal medicine, the Golden Book of medical Zong and human anatomy Afer more than 30 vears of clnical exper ence,t has been proved that "Chengyi point penetraton therapy"has sionifi cant curatve eflect on cervical soondyosis. lumbar dlsc hern ation scaou lohumeral perarthris. arhrts. heart and bran dse ases se quelae of hemiplegia, gastrointestinal svstem diseases, soft issue inury, vanous neuralgla, hea dache, me tabollc disorder. gvne cological diseases and other dificult and miscellane ous diseases. Through manual reduction, the purpose of promoing blood arculaton and removing blood stasis and treaing diseases can be achleved.

When practidng medicine, we should put morality first and take morallity as force. On the way of practicingme dicine,Professor Li Chengyi treated at least tens of thousands of patents. Over the past two decades. he has sited dozens of countres anc reglons, delivered more than 100 kevnote speeches fincluding many soeeches atthe United Natons Headquerters and oroided3、Mind the common people, a good doctor and a messenger of light

The paving and success of the road of lfe lles in lofty ideals. Ony with lofty ideals can we make the road ahead more smooth and wider. When Li Chengy dedded to study traditonal Chinese medidne, his goal in life became very clear. After graduating trom Chengdu University of tradifonal Chinese medicine, he went to colleae. After graduatng from Unmersity.Lchenay went to Bay orthopedic hospital of Chengdu Miltary Region, General Hospital of the Chinese people's Liberaton Army and other institutions for urther study and obtained a doctorate. in the process of further study, he had the chance to meet the founder of traditional Chinese medicne n New China. the frst drector of the Depariment of traditonal Chinese medicine of the Ministry of healh, the director of the admnistraton oftedton Chinese medicne and PolesserLy Bingkul, a leader of traditional Chinese medicine. He pald homage to his teachers and comprehensively studled the theory of tradtional Chinese medicine, which lald a solld foundation for his exquisite acupuncture and moxibusion therapy in the future

Under the guidance of his tutor, Professor Li Chengyi, who is hichly sawy, has traveled all over the famous mountains and rivers of the motherland. vis ted "amous doctors and extens vely read ancent and modern medical fiterature. He has careully studie d such tamous medical classics as the vellow Emperors Canon of inte rmal medicine, the Golden Book of medical Zong and human anatomy Afer more than 30 vears of clnical exper ence,t has been proved that "Chengyi point penetraton therapy"has sionifi cant curatve eflect on cervical soondyosis. lumbar dlsc hern ation scaou lohumeral perarthris. arhrts. heart and bran dse ases se quelae of hemiplegia, gastrointestinal svstem diseases, soft issue inury, vanous neuralgla, hea dache, me tabollc disorder. gvne cological diseases and other dificult and miscellane ous diseases. Through manual reduction, the purpose of promoing blood arculaton and removing blood stasis and treaing diseases can be achleved.

When practidng medicine, we should put morality first and take morallity as force. On the way of practicingme dicine,Professor Li Chengyi treated at least tens of thousands of patents. Over the past two decades. he has sited dozens of countres anc reglons, delivered more than 100 kevnote speeches fincluding many soeeches atthe United Natons Headquerters and oroidedat the China Healh Preservation Industry Development Fcrum, and Is known as the leader and guide of China's health pre servat on Industry.


中国中医药欧洲行 德国大法官授予李乘伊健康大使成就奖!














李乘伊院长为百岁老红军 、谢觉哉同志夫人王定国妈妈做保健治疗


4、Noble medical ethics, profound academic knowedge and brill iant achievements

Whle actely treating petents wih dseases. Pofessor LiChenay deeply realize d that disease prevention is more important than dsease treatment and china's health culture for thousands o years is the embodiment of this conclusion. Chinese traditional healh preservation culture is a specific ideological motivation and conceptual model formed in a spedic value system and cultural environment. On the basis of widely absorbing the theory of unverse generaton, the theory of heaven and man, the thear of yin and Yang and five elements, the theory of elght dlagrams and nire palaces. as well as the deoloacal and theoret cal sustem and sumbollc sys tem of Chinese tradiional medicine, Chinese tradtional health preservation culture reflects and embodles the traditional culture around human life value and the relatonshlo between form and spirit, A serles of basic atdtudes and philosophical thinking. such as dhnamie and statie relatons. are the crvstallzaton ofthewis dom of Chinese doctors for thousands of years.

With the development of social economy, people's pace of life is accelerating. Unhealthy eating habits and irreqular work and rest time make many people's health worying;in particularthe emergence of more and more sub-health states makes people pay more and more attention to health. which leads to the emergence of many health care products and health care therapies.However changes are inseparable rom its origin. and any hea th care methoc is inseparable from the core theory of traditional Chinese medicine Professor li chenav is a so tamiliar with the way ofsef-cutivation in terms of life health maintenance and disease prevention. a set of theories he out forward have been conirmed in practice. te was the first to out forward the proposition ofhealth maintenance in the early 1990s. Health care covers pension.health carepsychology wisdom. medical treatment. cuture. sports. tourism. transportation commerce. entertainmenteisure. sports.e-commerce construction. peoples ive ihood. areen envronmentaprotection characteristic town construction and many other fields.At presentit has become an emeraing industy concerned bythe whole peop e. Behind his achievements and honors is Professor Li Chengyi's determination to fight silently for the inheritance oftraditional

Chinese medicine. It also witnessed his great contribution to the innovation and development of traditional Chinese medicine in the motherland. In particular his theoretical research and practica exploration of traditional Chinese medicine filled the gap in the field of traditional Chinese Medicine in the world.Because of his outstanding contributions to the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine and the innovation and development of contemporary Chinese medicine, he is known as the pioneer and founder of the innovation and development of contemporary Chinese medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine is not only the treasure of the Chinese nation, but also an indispensable part of the development of the Chinese nation. It has been deeply integrated into the blood of the Chinese people. The development history of traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years is its inheritance history.Professor Li Chengyi received medical enlightenment from his grandparents studied theoretical knowledae in the Universityof traditional Chinese medicine, and then trained in the General Hospital of the Chinesedaring he is to be a doctor. He can only regard himself as a primary school student. strictly demand himselfout down his airs.be a student all his life. take the masses as the teacher take everything as the teacher, and impart what he has learned unreservedly to the late comers. so as to inherit the cause of traditional Chinese medicine and make the Chinese treasure with a long historyof thousands of years continue to flourish!

































与海军总医院原副院长、新中囯第一批留苏联医学博士冯理达将军在一起( 冯理达是爱国将领冯玉祥和新中囯第一任卫生部部长李德全的长女 )






1999年11月10日台湾清华大学原校长沈君山先生在解放军总医院南楼住院期间为李乘伊院长题词:“  李乘伊医师 手到病除 ”





海军总医院原院长段蕴铀将军为李乘伊院长题词:“ 集中医之精华   解无形之病痛


 中国人民解放军总医院 ( 301医院 ) 原院长、老红军李其华将军为李乘伊院长题词:“ 救死扶伤  功德永存  ”


军事医学科学院原院长 、留苏联博士 、开国将军涂通今为李乘伊院长题词:“  李乘伊医师勉之  承传祖医  业精于勤  ”


2006年7月1日著名军旅作家、诗人、《 谁是最可爱的人 》  作者魏巍为李乘伊院长题词 : “  奮 進 不 息  



























































5、Keep upright and innovate to win brilliant development of the cause

"Chengyi point penetration therapy"has been unanimously recognized by the medical community and patients. in 2008."Chengyi acupuncture characteristic therapy" was rated as"radiional Chinese medicine skill characterlstc therapy’: "Chengyi point penetraton charactenistic therapy" was rated as "excellent lamous tradiional Chinese medidne charactensic therapy". And won the honorary tiles of "famous Chinese folk tradiional Chnese me didne rehabllitation and health care inhertance teacher" wtuous and artste foures n the feld of tradtonal chnese medicne and model workers in wenchuan dsaster relet", "excellent entrepreneur of 2008 O mpic Games" and so on!

In 2009, Prolessor Li Chenavi won the speclal golden finger award at the 47th world Conerence on tradional medicne held in kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysla.

In 2012, "Chengvi acupoint penetration therapy" was also rated as the "best rvention achievement award of China's scentiic and technological innovation" by the Ministry of sclerce and technology. Prafess or Li Chengyi him self won the henorary tiles of "outstanding merltorious figure in the development of traditional Chinese medidne in 2012" and "top ten outstanding talents in bone setting oftradiional Chinese medidne in 2012"!

In 2014, Profe ssor Li Chengvi won the "honor award of Aslan medical sdence and technology" and the "healhy and nurturing. building the Chinese dream" and other awards of the national medlcal educaton develcomentcentern2014

At the 8th Chna Manacement Sclence Conerence n2015"Chengyi acupoint penetration therapy" won the "excellent achlevement award of China management sdence research and applicaton". "Chengyi medicine" brand has been rated as "top ten inluental brands n china's traditional Chinese medcine healh care industry" and "good model brand of public satisfaction in China's tradiional Chinese medidne ehabllitation and health care services" by ive nstiutons. ncudina china Academy of Management Sdences, China Councll for the promotion of international economic and technological cooperaton. china ntuence maaazine. credimana gement center of China Assodation of smaland medium- sized enterprises, and the Organizing Committee of national industry influentlal figures (brands)large-scale activitles;The"Beling Chengvi Medical Research Institute", founded by Li Chengyi, was rated as "AAA cred it demonstration unit of national quality service reputation'.

In 2015, Professor Li Chengy won the "new benchmarking Fiqure Award in China's tradiional Chinese medi dne Industry", "lea der award in China's public welfare undertakings" and "outstanding figure award in China's reform" issued by the natonal development and Reform Commission. At the "2015 China Economle Summit forum and the 13th annual meetna of chinese economie foures" the evaluation committee composed of leaders ofrelevant depertments such as the natonal develooment and Retorm Commiss on. the state owned assets supeis on and Administration Commission of the Sate Council. the Chinese Academy of Soclal Scences. the Poley Research ofice of the central Commiitee of the Communist Party of China and celebriles n the economie community evaluated that Beling Chengvi medical research institute won the award of "China's economic green, health and ervironmental protection unit, President Li chenav won the award of "new leacer in Chinas economic and medical industy".in2015, Professor L Chengyi was invited to attend CCTV infiuence dia logue, the key implementation pro ect of the "china brand"2020 ntemational China public welfare responsibility Product iward" "ploneer of scentfe and technoloaical china nnovaton""Medal of natonal medical master", "chlef expert of Expert Advison Commitee of China tradional Chinese Medione nhertance and Innovaton network" "Vice chalman of innovative China expert think lank alllance", "natonal Lel Feng figure" and other awards

In Apnl 2020, he was appointed as a vsting profe ssor by the Chine se Academy of Management Sclences and a member of a lage couniry pharmaceutcal think tank; in june of the same year"Li Chengyi tradtlonal Chnese Medicine Inheritance and Innovation Sud o" was establshed.

In September 2020, Professor Li ChengM was invited to attend the 17th China sdentists forum! More than 2000 leading experis and academiclans at all levels partidpated! Professor LI Chengyi was re elected as vice chalrman of the China sclentists forum! And won the "chief scientist of tradiional Chinese Medicine inhertance and innovation" and "meritorious figure in the protection of intangible cultural herllage of traditicnal Chinese medicne". Beling che ngvghuang traditional Chinese medicine hospital was rated as the "oulstanding coniributer to the ntangitle cultuiral herllage of Chinese tradional medicne"

In December 2020, Profess or L Chengy won the "Purple Award for roe models" and was honored as the cover character.

In Januar 2021, Professor Li Chengvi became the cover igure of the 2021 calendar and celebrated the new year with 12 academicans of the Chinese Acedemy of engineering.

In February 2021, Professor LI Chengyl was honored as the cover peis on of the special isste of the pillars of the couniry

On March 2, 2021, Professor Li Chenavi was awarde d the "high level achievement award of china Russia traditional medicine exchange prolect" by the National Health Committee of the Congress of the Russian Federaton.

In March 26, 2021, Professor Li Cheng made outstanding contnbutons to the New Coronawrus epidemic in 2020 and 2021in March 26, 2021. He was awarded the honorary tle of "2020 one2021 maed to China's advanced medical figures" in the 2020 vear2021 vear by the oint voting of the China Medical column group and the China C cuncil of clinical medicine.

On March 29. 2021. Proessor u Chenay particoated in the oint report of 2021 internaional China public welfare ceremony and was awarded the tile of "image ambassador of tradiional Chinese medicine"

n aorl 2021,proessor Lichenaw was incuded in the exnibiton record of 100 Natonal Medical University leachers promoting the develooment of chinese trad tonal medcine.

On May 23, 2021, Prolessor Li Chenavi was invited to partidpate in the china business leaders forum, the 10th annual meeting of leaders of the golden code award public satislaction model brand press release. in the 10th "witness the power of brand" public satisfaction special research activity, according to the nomination of experts, ounalists, planners, the public and industry fiqure s. and the scoring resulis of the tripartite data of "recommendaion of the organizing commitee, public voting and strict revlew", Beljing Chengyi Medical Research Institute was elected as the Golden Book Award in this research actvity Prolessor L Chengy, Presiden! of the insttule, wan the Golden Award for outstanding conirbutons to the development of contemporary Chinese medicine The top ten role models for leading the davelooment oftradionel chnese medicine ind ustry and promoing the high quality development of radiiona chnese mecidne inousty annua oo ten innovatve pecple award.

On May 24, 2021, the 18h China Sdentists Forum was held in Beling. Academicans, experls, scientific and technologcal workers and entrepreneurs rom all over the couniy attended the annual scence and tecmolooy event, bunna the meetno. the outh Chine enterprise Chlef Sclentists Forum was also held.ProfessorLi Chengy was invited to allend the meeting and make a speech

In this event, Professor Li Chengi won the "2020-2021 inttuential sclentific and technological innovation Ploneer Award", and Beling Chenam Oihuang traditonal Chinese medidne hospital won the"2020-2021 cutstandng contribution award for soclal res ponsibility" On Mav 27 and 28. 2021. Professor Li Chenavi was invited to allend and speak at the 2021 Seminar on the develop ment of new business forms and new situatons of China's economy in Dlaovutal state questhouse! QI Xuchun, vice chalrman of the 12th National Commiliee of the Chinese people's Poliical Consultative Conference, Xle Zhongyu, chaiman of the board of supermsors of the first state-owned key large enterprises of the State Councland other leaders and natonal outstanding entrepreneurs took groupthalos as souvenirs

Al this conference, Pralessor Li Chengvi won the tille of "Tifetime achievement award of contemporar Chinese medicine""oulslanding innovalive ligure promoling the development of radilcna Chinese medsne nousiy"andouislandng cotribulo wilh the most sense of social responsibiit !

On June 28, 2021, Pralessor Li Chengyi was cled by the audic and video publishing house of sanchen film library as a picneer approaching the rse of a great couniy!

From July 18 to 20, 2021, the 21st China Centur Colleclion and annual people's television summar and commendation conlerence was held in the sludio hall of ccty. This year is the beghning af the 14lh five vear plan and a new era of rebirth afler the epidemic. President Li Chengvi was inviled to allend the 21s1 China Century Calleclion and arnual people's television summar and cammendation conerence. Beiing Chengyi medica research insilule won the hanarary tile of "conlemporary caring medica inslilulion", and President Li Chengyi won the honora tille of"expert on special trealment of diffcut and miscelbneous dis eases of conlemporay tradilional Chinese medicine" and "ounder of contemporary tradilional Chhese mecicine".

On August 2, 2021, Pralessor Li Chengvi was included by China Science and Cullure Press in the bock "a hundred years of strugqie and a new jouney (learning the spirit of the party's history and biagraphy and following the parly's 100 people Pepsi collection re cord)"!

On August 22,2021, Pralessor Li Chengyi was invited to particpate in the recording of the sixth issue of "100 years list of innovalive heroes in the interview of characlers in the series of beauly of di scover". This program is hosted by Shao Mingyue, a famous host of ccTV. It aims to carr forward the spirit of scientific and technological innovalion in the new era, display the lates achievemenis of China's science and technology under the new silualion, and establish the benchmark of China's science and le chnclogy indusiy under the new pallen. Impromplu interview awarded comrade "Li Chengvi’: the beauty of discovery The focus of 2021 nevs of the power of innovation era

From seplember 18 to 19, 2021, the 19th Chinese scientist: Intemalional) forum was held in Beiing. Dr. Li Chengyi was iniled to paricpale in the forum and gave a keynole speech on"knowledge, praclice, carry forward the past and forge ahead -on the inherilance and innoalion of tradilional Chinese medicine" Beiing Chengyi Qihuang Hospital of tradilional Chinese mecicine was auaded the fle of "Reseach Cerler for the develoomert o tradiional Chinese medicine indusiy School of business, Chinese Academy of Management Sciences"and Professor Li Chengyi was awarded the tile of "image ambassador of scienfific and le chnclo gical innovalion" at the 19th China scenfisis htenalionalforum. Chen Gui, chairman of China Scienlists Forum, Dean of Business School of Chinese Academyof Management Sciences and president of entreoreneur branch of China future research associafion. issued the ceffcale.

In December 2021, Professur Li Chenavi wan the honoray tle of"exiraordnar person of China in 2021'

In the lace of henor,Li Chengvi dare not relax at all. He oflen remembers the words given to him by his mentor Lv Bingkui"hanging a pot to heb the word, and there is no end to medicine" and uses this to encourage himsell. He has gone through tials and hardships all the way. From "characlerblic therapy of Chinese medcne shlp, characlersic theraoy ofecelent ammous Cinese mecicine ,lo best nvention achievemient aard of china s scenlific and technological innoalion" and "Asian medical science and lechnology Honor Award" "China management scence research and application excelent achievement award', and then to the 2015national lop ten characlerislic innovative therapies wih the most promotion value, one therapy has won many awards, wtidl not any demonslrates its superdor curaive ellect, but also highlghts the bunders enausile mecica shis

In addiion, Profess or Li Chengi also insisted on leading sludenis locusing an cullivatng a new generation of coclors, and imparting his knowledge to them without reservation. He ins is led on speaking with facls, worked hard to improve medical lechnalogy, and used word-of-mouth and medical

skills to build the brand of Beiing Chengyi Medic al Research Inslilute.

In arder to pramate the development of China's healh culture, ti Chengyi has been invled to visit dozens of counties and regions made kevnote speeches at the inlenational academic exchange conference of tradilional Chinese medicine on behalf of China's lraditional Chinese medicine communily or many times, ano provided heallh treatment for leades of man counties, which has been highly praised. Honorary president Li is appointed as the consullant of the Sino Republican cooperalion commillee of the Reoublic of China in Burundi.president of the Chinese Scientisis Forum,direclor of the China fok medicine research and Development Associalion, the "cold and miscellaneous aseases wrillen by zhang zhonging, the deput dreclor of the Baiun Pavilion, the deputy ecilor in chief of the bock"evilaizing the country through science and education". He won the outs landing achievement award of Heallh Ambassador in Eurcpe and America and was awarded the national medical Saint award in China. As a member of the think lank olthe wo goenments and cvi exchanges. Ciina's tice











6、Multifaceted life, interpreting the extraordin ary significance of life

Since anclent times, every scholar who has made outstanding achlevements in lfe and career can make ceriain achlevements in anything. As a profe ssor who is proi dent in martal arts and radtonal Chinese medcne. Proessor L Chenoy also has qreal altainments in Chinese calligraphy, painting and poetry. He wrote more than 1000 poems impromptu. in 2014, he officlaly worshipped Master Liu Tlany, the adopted son of Mr. Yu Youren and the disdple of Mr. Huang Binhong, a glant of callgraphy and painiing. as a teacher to systematcally study the identification of chinese ca ll graphy and painting and the sorting, editing, publicity and pramoton of the "Standard Cursie thousand character dictionary" His calligraphy and painting works have been collected by poliical dianitanes, generals and entrepieneurs in many countries.

In October 2009, his works partcpated in the "harmonious cross stralt calgraphy and paining artist exchange activity work exh biton" and won the excelent award. in the callgraphy and paining exhibli on held by the national development and Reform Commisslon to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the victory of the Red Army's Long March, Professor LI Chengyi's calligraphy and paining work "Long March, light for thousands of years" wascolle cted by the national development and Reform Commission.


In terms of disseminating China's excellent traditional culture Professor Li Chengyi and his mentor Master Liu Tianyi will be remembered by history for their outstanding contributions to mankind!

"Strive for human health for life"is Professor Li Chengyi's oath. a belief and a belief. Whether engaged in martial arts,health preservation. calligraphy and painting, poetryormedicine itself Professor Li Chengyi has practiced this oath every step! His outstanding deeds have been listed in the list of famous Chinese doctors of traditionaChinese medicine, the soulof chinese medicine, practical briliance. the Chinese people of the times. the motherland, rejuvenating the country through science and technology the annals of innovative Chinese fiqures. Li Chengyi. the leader of China, synergy,innovation and development. traditional Chinese medicine science and technologymarching towards the world. focusing on the Chinese people. the gathering of Chinese celebrities (co named on the cover with scientists such as Yuan Longping) It is recorded in more than 30 books.periodicals and classics. such as the dream of China's innovation(co named on the cover with Nobel laureate Tu youyou)

Professor Li Chengyi explained the lofty mission and responsibility of a medical worker with his broad mind of boundless love and boundless Avenue: With his silent practice ofwholeheartedly serving the people and moistening things,he constantlyintegrated the profound accumulation and unique insights into his medical experience. and set an example for medical workers and scientific researchers.



